One Weekend: One Bag. The ten things I packed for a weekend in Switzerland and the backpack essentials you need!
As an abroad student we try to take advantage of the weekends we have to explore our host countries and to travel to other countries. Regardless of where we are headed it is important to travel lightly, it makes using transportation a breeze when all you have to keep track of is one bag. My whole life I have been an over-packer, but since I started traveling while abroad I’ve learned the tricks to travel with just the essentials, all while still staying stylish of course. Here are the ten most important things you’ll need to bring on any trip.

1.Neck Pillow: I always have to have my neck pillow when going on any plane or train or bus for more than an hour.
2. Clothing! I traveled to Switzerland for a ski weekend, so I rented my ski gear (aka the bulky stuff) at the mountain. The other clothes I brought I made sure fit into a packing cube. Packing cubes are great because it condenses space and makes it easier to find what you are looking for in your bag.
3. Travel Journal: In my travel journal I save ticket stubs and Polorids and write about my days abroad so I can remember for years to come.
4.A good book to read ; right now I’m reading Hemingway’s “Unmovable Feast”.
5. Polorid Camera to snap those good memories.
6. First Aid kit, Shampoo, Makeup, Toothbrush ect… all in one packing cube. Again to save space and have everything in one place rather than a million small plastic bags.
7.Sunglasses… duh
8.Changer AND adapter; I have an multi country adapter that way I never run into charging issues while abroad.
9.Travel Docs and Passport; It’s always smart to keep a copy of insurance, ID, and credit cards just incase anything is lost or stolen, and well you can’t leave the country without your passport.
10. Hat and Scarf Always! for when the temperature unexpectedly drops