Recently Nadia and I visited the Catacombes in the underground of Paris. For those of you whom are not familiar the Catacombes ossuaries which hold the remains of more than six million people in a small part of a tunnel network built to fix two issues that the people of paris faced in the 1800’s ; mass amounts of unburied humans and a sinking city. The miners instructed by Louis XVI used the bones to prop up the city by strengthening the foundation of the tunnels.
Being the chilly February it has been here in Paris, I thought it would be a good idea to throw on some extra layers before heading down. We did this with the thought that we would be basically outside for the entire evening. NOT THE CASE. Once we had made the descent into the tunnels we were greeted by humid thick air which forced us to shed our layers. As we trudged through the tunnels and our hair started to frizz I thought it thought that it would be a good idea to give a little advice should you ever dare to enter the Catacombes.

Regardless of month or season, layers are always smart! Dress appropriately for the weather you will be standing in above ground, but make sure you won’t be sweating to death once you are underground.
Now that you know what not to wear, you should be a bit more prepared for your future excursions in Paris.